
Welcome to Indo-Global Cultural Forum

Indo Global Cultural Forum is dedicated to nurture art and culture all over the world. The primary focus is to promote and support the fine artists, artisans, authors, poets, musicians, singers, independent film makers & other film technicians, theatre activists, other charity organisations related to art & culture, cultural institations, film yoga and spiritual practitioners whom we need to inspire. We also need to learn from these talented and gifted people so that they can share their expertise through various workshops and events. Indo Global Cultural Forum has already conducted various events in the past. The director and founder, Ms Papia Ghoshal had been serving these talented artists for the past 30 years by her individual efforts. She had been curating and executing various events with the support of her magazine "The London Miscellany', first founded in 1825. Currently, with the helping hands of Indo Global Cultural Forum, she visualises a much higher goal to support the global audience by sharing the knowledge of these amazing, rare, uniquely skillful talented artists from all over the world.

Supported by IndoGlobal Cultural Forum